
Thoughts while upside down | new words {press} (forthcoming)

Don't get me started | Paris Lit Up (forthcoming)

Remnants after birth | Osmosis Press (forthcoming)

Inevitabilities | Stone of Madness Press Issue 27 (November 2024)

Phoenix | Fifth Wheel Press (October 2024)

Five reminders for an exhausted body | Rogue Agent Issue 110 (May 2023) and featured on Manges tes mots podcast Episode 26 (November 2024)

Translation of two poems by Rim Battal | ANMLY PRESS Issue 36 (Spring 2023)

In Dialogue with Claude Cahun, poems | Spotless Magazine (January 2023)

Five past midnight, poem | PULP POETS PRESS (December 2022)

Towards Violence (Vers la violence), sample translation of a novel by Blandine Rinkel | French Publishers' Agency (Summer 2022)

Out of Hope (Des espoirs), bilingual poetry collection, poems in French by Elodie Kimmel | Editions du petit véhicule (May 2022)

Pea Flowers, translation of Les Fleurs de pois by Iman Bassalah | Asymptote Journal (April 2022)

Iowa, Moving Parts, poem | Indigo Literary (February 2022)

The moon as lucid elegy, poem | Rust + Moth (Autumn 2021)

Family Absence, poem | Gigantic Sequins Issue 12 (July 2021)

In Broken Places (Aux endroits brisés), sample translation of a novel by Pauline Harmange | French Publishers' Agency (Fall 2021)

3 poems | The International Zine Project (Spring 2021)

Mark Polizzotti : Linguiste du mois, entretien exclusive, long form interview | Le Mot Juste (November 2020)

Sketches of an Iowan childhood, personal essay | Unearth Zine (April 2020)

If my Uterus Were to Write Poetry, personal essay | Feature blog, Long Story Short (Spring 2020)

Levitation, poem | JetFuel Review (Spring 2019)

After the Race, poem | Crossroads Episode 1: No Boring art (May 2018)

Sink; Maintenance Man, 2 poems | decomP Magazine (September 2017)

Take the Piano, short story | Necessary Fiction (2014)


Nominated for Best of the Net 2022 for the poem Iowa, Moving Parts in Indigo Literary Magazine

Winner of the 9th annual Gigantic Sequins poetry prize, judged by Arisa White (2021)

Winner of the Peter S. Prescott Prize for Prose Writing for a short story, judged by Eliza Minot and Liz Moore (2017)

Formations and workshops attended

Diverse translation workshops at Les Assises de la traduction in Arles, France, November 2024

Bristol Translates Summer School, French literary translation workshop with Frank Wynne, July 2022

Multilingual Poetry Workshop with Kareem Abu-Zeid, April 2022

Multi-lingual prose Translation Workshop with Daniel Hahn, October 2021

Iowa Summer Young Writer's Workshop / Sewannee Young Writer's Conference, summers of 2013-2014